Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I would first like to say that this will be a long term project, with each posts requiring at least two full paragraphs and each character to have at least a decent growth over time. While this will be heavily borrowed from Kishimoto-sensei's famous manga, the world depicted will be darker, and their learning curve harsher due to the lack of instant power-ups found in the vast majority of shounen manga. That said, with cleverness and luck, it will be very possible to make a legend for your character if they, and you, manage to stick around long enough! I will outline the basic mechanics and setting below, the latter prompt to change once we progress with the various plots that both you and I will have a hand in introducing as well as shaping. Each of you will start with a sole character, a eight years old child freshly enrolled into their hidden village's Ninja Academy. You character may be from either of the five main village, on the condition that two other players accept to make their own character your classmates. Your home village will become something as close as a safe haven as you can find in a world ruled by trained assassins constantly warring in varying levels of subtlety against one another, and so your character's Academy days will mostly be one of familiarization and training. Various actions will gain your character experience divided in points for easier management, those points later used to better any and all of their existing skills, or, once certain prerequisites are met, learning new ones. Please be patient, and should you feel adventurous, be prepared for risks equal to any expected gain! The center of the plot will be each of your characters, the focus as evenly distributed among you as possible while I urge thing along with random or not-so-random events, more or less recurrent NPCs and outline the result of each risky action. You will make the call in each decision your character make, and I will be here to either help or hinder them on their path to knowledge and power. Do you have what it take to become a ninja?