[hider=Picture] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/350/7/e/cm__the_legend_of_korra_oc__ella_by_mintwinter-d5o6glg.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Nina Element: Fire Personality: Outgoing, Feisty, Fierce Pet(s): None Starting Location: On the road going to Ba Sing Se Bio: Nina was born into a rich family. Her father was a general in the fire nation army and her mother was a skilled seamstress. She always had a natural ability with firebending akin to Azula, being extremely adept at acrobatics and even learning some chi blocking. But she never felt at home in the fire nation. She hated the uppity life that she had and wanted to explore the world. So she joined a circus and travelled the world, performing. Now she is on the way to a large performance in Ba Sing Se, something she looks forward to.