Sitting down made his own weariness apparent. After a long yawn, Espen jabbed himself in the leg, but the pain didn't make him wakeful. His eyes repeatedly closed and opened as he fought the futile battle against sleep. Espen willingly laid down and reached for his teddy bear. He easily ignored the cold ground and squeezed the plushy close to himself, he finally closed his eyes. Espen's exhaustion and the rainfall limited Espen's senses, but he was still capable of hearing the curses and words uttered by fellow invaders. Sleeping while other survivors are around would be asking for death. Espen rose as alive as ever, he briskly grabbed his things and prepared his crossbow. The man inspected the area before noting some boot marks leading to a silo. He grasped the metal ladder and climbed upwards. Espen wrapped his fingers around the slippery handle and opened it. Regardless of his awkward footing, he aimed his crossbow down towards the bottom of the silo at the three invaders. [color=a0410d]"I can't really go to sleep until you guys do."[/color] Espen stated as he rubbed his eyes, still aiming his crossbow at the three of them.