[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F0ipRZr.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Fujimi Academy[/h1][/center] [indent]The sun was shining high in the sky, casting it's patient, bright stare over the entirety of Tokyo, Japan- [i]'Actually...no. Damn...I hate the rain.'[/i] Kazuto's dark brown eyes were practically glaring out the window, daring, and secretly begging - although he wouldn't ever admit it, to let the sun come out. When the sun was out, he could do all of his work with at least some sort of pep to his step...but now now, with the rain absolutely drenching everything around it. The sun was no where in sight, and despite it being something like 7 AM in the morning, there was a certain...gloom around the school-grounds. Rain battered the window, the occasional thunder bolt lit up the sky in eerie light, and only the sound of rain, and the monotonous, droning voice of the English teacher was breaking an otherwise complete silence. The sound of the English Teacher...[i]Kazuto[/i]...[i]Kazuto[/i]...did he leave the stove on this morning? No...Tsuki had been cooking curry...[i]Kazuto[/i]...he locked the doors, didn't he? [i]Kazuto[/i]...maybe he should have double-checked the locks... [b]"KAZUTOOO!"[/b] [b]"WHAAAT?!"[/b] The students in the class stared in shock, along with the graying-haired teacher, whom had taken a step back in shock and slight fear. Kazuto hardly raised his voice to such an octave. Sure, in class discussions, he would get passionate at times with some of the more...serious topics, but that was just Kazuto Mamoichi for you. A generally polite, if not distant young man that was both athletic and smart...he had a great future. But still...yelling at the teacher? The spiky, orange-haired young man rose an eyebrow, his face settling out of the grimace it was in, and calming down into his usual stoic scowl. His eyebrows narrowed, as usual, and he let out a sigh, eyes calming. [b]"Apologies, Teacher-san."[/b] He replied, voice dropping an octave from where it had been at it's screaming tone. [b]"What did you need?"[/b] The teacher readjusted himself, giving the taller young man a calm look. [b]"Read Page E-13."[/b] Kazuto's eyebrow twitched. [i]'All of that...and he just wants me to read a page?!'[/i] Taking a calming breath, he picked up his book, while the rest of the students looked down at theirs. [b]"And he stared onto her, eyes alight with passionate glow. [i]"Olivia..."[/i] The man breathed, his naked form glistening in the hot desert hea-..." [/b]Kazuto twitched, dropping the book onto the desk. The rest of the students hurriedly flipped to page E-13, and the girls gasped, blushes on their face, while the boys read quickly, grins blossoming onto theirs. [b]"O-oh? Kazuto-kun, finish!"[/b] [i]'Perverted teacher...'[/i] [b]"I'm going to the bathroom."[/b] Blushing, but quickly getting rid of it, Kazuto exited the class, shouldering his backpack as he went. Amongst the whisperings, he closed the door shut firmly behind him, leaning against the wooden exit. Breathing a sigh, Kazuto rested his hands in his pockets, face quickly regaining it's usual appearance. [b]"Stupid."[/b] With yet another, final sigh, he began walking towards the roof's staircase. Teachers didn't really check there, and the bell would ring for break time momentarily. He could eat lunch there for a while, and hopefully call his sisters and see if everything was okay. Arriving at the roof, and quickly glancing around - there was no one here - Kazuto sat down underneath a small over-hang, legs crossed on the cold stone as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his cell-phone. A quick glance at the frowny face made him scowl further. [b]"Shit...dead."[/b] Pocketing his phone, the boy leaned back, simply gazing out over the school-grounds as the rain battered the world, and the dark, gloomy sky let out the smell of damp clouds.[/indent]