Enjoying her flight to the fullest, Yui didn't really care about crashing into the ground soon, it was a dream after all. She also took her time to enjoy the beautiful view, did she really had so much fantasy in her head? Wait, if this was a dream maybe she wouldn't even die? It was a lucid one after all, and recent studies proven that people who game a lot were able to influence their own dreaming, even able to change between first and third person! As Yui came closer and closer to the ground she thought about falling into a giant pudding that would stop her fall; she only needed to summon it. Diving with her head towards the ground the Idol stretched her hand out. "Oh~, soften my fall, fill my stomach. I summon the, Pudding of Descension, Cushion!" To her avail, nothing happened, and by now it was too late to do anything else, Yui was about to go splash any second! Unless, something enveloped her, stopping the impact."Did I succeed?!" she asked herself motivated, waiting for the next thing to happen; was she supposed to eat whatever was around her? Before she could follow that thought further, the red hair got released. In fact, it looked like a giant rose like thing saved her from becoming some human-puddle thing that would be beyond recognition. Yui did notice the two people and the dogs around her but her attention stuck towards the girl who spoke up for now. ‘Hello. My name is Sfogliatine Zucchero Graelian. I am the princess and ruler of Graelian, a nation in the world of Fralanthe. Heroes summoned from another world… I bid you welcome!’ Confused, she tried to repeat her name- "Svoglit..wha..?" and failed horrible.