As she was led around Ruth made note of where things were. This was definitely going to be a much better setup for her than ever in the past. Proper equipment would do wonders for her research. When Winter mentioned doing a lecture the woman smiled and nodded. "[color=crimson][b]I would love to do that. I will be sure to prepare a few things for just that.[/b][/color]. They continued on and and listened intently. There was quite a lot to cover but the tour did a good job at giving a layout of the facility and how things would operate. In the end they made it back to the front where her ride was waiting. The speed at which her dwelling was arranged was quite surprising. Ruth thanked Winter for everything and stepped into the car. There wasn't much to do on the ride there other than think. For the first time in forever she had the chance to actually stay somewhere without having to hide who she was. Well to some extent at least. Media still made things a little more complicated but at least they wouldn't call her a witch, try and drown or burn her, or run her out of town. While contemplating she noticed that the ride was taking longer than anticipated. Come to think of it there was a lot of traffic that didn't seem to be going anywhere. From where they were it was hard to tell the cause. Curious she took out her phone and started looking for traffic reports. New devices like smart phones were something Ruth was a little behind on. Because she avoided being traced until recently she never had one. This particular phone was a gift from one of the networks, probably so they could keep in contact with her. There was a learning curve for sure and she had sought help from those younger than herself for instructions on how to use it. The traffic report was vague but did link to a breaking news. Apparently there was an incident with a hyper that was putting everything on hold. Personally she probably wouldn't be able to do anything about the man herself, but from the information given there would be people that were injured from the encounter. "[color=crimson][b]Meet me at the Nathan Phillips Square whenever you can. I need to go help with the injured.[/b][/color]" Before the driver could argue she exited the car and began her trek there. And thus one of the advantages of her abilities displayed itself. She could run her way there without much fatigue slowing her down. With the commotion she wasn't stopped by anyone either until she arrived. The authorities would not let her get near until she practically put her medical licence in his face. Even still she was to stay back while the situation was contained.