Jack shook his head as he held his helmet under one arm. [color=DarkRed]"Look, I get it. You don't like me. But I'm not here to compare myself to someone from another universe, I'm not here to compare myself from my own even. When I get in that cockpit, it's to protect people who can't protect themselves. Every time I get in it, I put my life on the line so they don't have to, so they can go on to have a happier future."[/color] He looks real hard at Graham. [color=DarkRed]"If I wasn't interested in fighting for my ideals, I wouldn't have enlisted. Now do me a favor and stop comparing me to others. You don't even know me."[/color] And with that, Jack pushed past Graham towards the locker room. [color=DarkRed]"Oh, I'm still down for that drink Grant. Meet you guys down there in a few."[/color] Stepping through the doorway, he takes off the jumper after setting the helmet down and heads for the showers, getting in and letting the water run down his back. He could already tell that him and Graham weren't going to see eye to eye very often.