[url=http://us19.chatzy.com/71915535773266]Chatzy[/url] Since the Dawn of Civilization, man has always been fascinated by the stars above, and always has sought to venture out beyond the earth and explore the stars freely. Humanity's long, distant dream would soon become reality. In 2135, new faster then Light and Terraforming technologies thrust humanity into a new golden age of exploration and colonization. Travel between Earth and Mars took mere days, accelerating the terrforming process. Within the span of a hundred years, humanity had fully colonized almost every corner of the Sol System, almost all of humanity's woes seemed to be remedied, but that was unfortunately not the case. The Sol System was under the governing hand of the United Solar Council, a more direct soon to be controlling descendent of the long defunct United Nations. At first, it's attempts to gain power had gone unnoticed, with small changes. However, it's power grabs became less subtle, and more hostile, the more independent minded colonies had sought to leave the council as it become more clear of it's corruption, as most of the Earth and the moon itself, lost their sovereignty. By 2250, the Solar War had begun. The United Solar Council, now in control of over half the system, had amassed their armies and fleets to seize control of the remaining colonies outside its dominion. The last colonies soon formed the Colonial Coalition, and for seven years, had fought a fierce war for their freedom. The war took it's toll on both sides as the worlds of Sol were scarred by the fires of war. By the War's end, there was no clear winner, as chaos and anarchy reigned, all semblance of order, now gone. For years this went on, and for many, this was too much to handle, too much to take in, and so it happened, the Great Exodus of 2260. Millions had fled in massive colony ships, venturing out towards the unknown, leaving behind those that remained to fend for themselves in a tattered Sol. It was a dark time for the human race, but like all things, it won't last forever. It is now the year 2590, over three centuries since the Great Exodus. Humanity had finally fulfilled its dream of traversing the stars, colonizing many worlds of the the region now dubbed the "Orion Quadrant" and in its time of mass colonization, not only did the many worlds make contact with each other, but have made contact with alien civilizations as well, both advanced, and those not unlike human kind of the distant past. The fate of Sol System however, is yet to be known. But mankind has been giving the gift of a new start. A new age has begun, what part will you play in these uncertain times? ------------------------- Welcome to Orion: New Beginnings, set far into the future. We play as quickly reemerging human nations, as well as alien nations that were here before. The primary setting for the rp is of course, the Orion Quadrant, a large region of space consisting of hundreds of star systems. Here not only do we play as Nations, but as Organizations as well, be they pirates, mercs, etc. For the technology of the setting, I'm looking for a good mixture of both hard and soft sci-fi. FTL of the setting, for humans a least, is called the Warp Drive(unimaginative I know :P). Warp Drives reduce travel time greatly, but are not instant. Travel between worlds can take up to a few days, travel between systems, depending on distance can take up to a week, to a few weeks or to a month, travel outside the Quadrant however, is not advised, it would take years to find another sector on warp drives. Also to note is Chargeup times. Once an FTL drive is active, depending on distance, can take up to a few hours, to a few days to recharge. So with that out of the way. If this gets enough attention, let's have fun and work to create a great story :) -------- [u]Sign-Up Sheets[/u] Nation Sheet. Nation Name: Flag: Government Type: Capital System/World: Dominant Species: Other Species: Leadership: Persons of Importance: Military: History: Other: Organization Sheet. Organization Name: Profession: Emblem: Affiliation:(optional) Leadership: Personnel of Importance: Military/Civilian Assets: History: Other: