Aura hummed quietly as she sat in her classroom, watching and listening as the teacher spoke on History. She loved the topic, particularly military history, though her history classes were always non-satisfying. They only ever talked about stuff she already knew, so she didn't get to learn anything new. Then again, this had the positive side effect of ensuring that she never made bad grades, so that was nice. Then again, what good were the grades when all she had to do during class was sit and wait? She released a mental sigh as a voice filtered through her brain, the teacher announcing that their test would be tomorrow and walking out. She sighed lightly at this, as their next period after the break was math. She hated math, good at it though she may be, as she vastly preferred words and letters to numbers and equations. However, for now they'd have a break between sections, which most students used to have some lunch. Usually, Aura just sat at her desk and read whatever book she happened to be reading at the time while she waited. Today, however, she figured she'd go visit one of her friends, Kazuto. He was an interesting boy, but the two had taken to each other not too long after her arrival. They were friends, though she was teased sometimes that she may like Kazuto. She'd brush it off every time, of course, since she only thought of him as a friend. Besides, she was much too shy to ever ask a boy out, especially a foreigner. For now, she decided to see if Kazuto was in the lunch room, after all he may've needed some food today. She gingerly stood up from her seat and made her way from the classroom through the halls. The Cafeteria was easy to locate, and seemed as normal as every other day. She looked around and didn't see her friend, sadly, and so decided to get her own food and then move on to a secondary search location. She stepped up and bought a quick lunch before beginning to make her way through the school. Kazuto being who he was, there weren't all that many locations he could be hiding. For now, she resolved to make her way to the roof and check for him there. As she walked through the halls, she casually ate a piece of spice bread that formed part of her lunch. She'd never understood Japanese Cuisine too much, it was so different from American food, and to be honest sometimes she missed having a home-made cheese burger or rack of ribs. However, she had to admit, she'd grown a bit of a soft-spot for Japanese Yakiniku. Her mouth watered slightly at the thought of the cuisine, but she shook her head to clear it and went back to eating her lunch. It seemed school lunches were disappointing no matter what, regardless of country barriers. She sighed slightly at this thought before arriving at the top hallway, but watched as another student climbed up the stairs. Her name was Delilah, and she had a real reputation as a troublemaker. Did she really want to go up after her on the chance that Kazuto was up there? Though, if he was up there, and the other girl was going up as well, then it could only mean a few things. At one of the possible outcomes she blushed heavily, thinking to herself "[color=004b80][i]What if it's a love confession?!?![/i][/color]" Staggered by this thought, she quietly followed after Delilah up the stairs, and gently poked her head around the corner of the stairwell so she could see them, thinking to herself "[i][color=004b80]Let's see what's going on....[/color][/i]"