[i][b][color=FF00FF]Katia[/color][/b][/i] The sound of the handouts being copied filled the room as Katia hit the print button on the photocopier. The smell on ink slowly wafting into the air from the machine as the young woman sat on a chair next to the machine waiting for it to finish it task. It was a dull task coping handout for the teacher but it beat doing math although for Katia watching paint dry was better than math. Why did it have to be a subject no matter how hard she tried could never quite grasp, although it probably didn’t help the teacher spoke to quickly for her at times. Even though Katia was quite good at Japanese it sometimes still took a moment for her to process things said to her. The joy of having it as a second langue, still she couldn’t complain given she had got a trip to Japan because of it even if was for her to study. A yawn escaped Katia as she sat and watched the photocopier work away, she was happy to be helping her favourite teacher even if she couldn’t show it Katia was happy. The art teacher was always so nice and was always willing to spend extra time with Katia if she needed help with her art studies. So in return Katia tried to help the teacher whenever she needed, plus helping the teachers did have other benefits like missing classes every once in a while. Another perk was being able to do some more drawing while she waited, might as well given she had nothing better to do. Pulling out her note book and well used mechanical pencil Katia filled to a blank page and started to draw, looking up every so often to check the photo copier. Only with 10 minutes of her drawing did she get absorbed into her work and stopped checking photo copier. It was only when the bell rang signalling the end of class did Katia look up seeing the photo copier had been done for little while and that the art teacher was sitting at the desk next to her looking over the handouts. “Welcome to planet earth young lady, please enjoy your stay.” The art teacher said giggling at her joke before putting on a serious face. The art teacher then pretended to scold Katia like her math teacher would when he caught her slacking off. Earning what Katia considered to be her laugh. After that Katia was thanked and dismissed, being told to go get something to eat before she changed her mind told her math teacher. The reaction to that empty threat surprised the art teacher greatly as the moment she finished speaking Katia packed up her note book and fled form the room. Free form aiding the teacher Katia decided to was time to find her friend Mio and have some fun with her.