As Aura watched, she couldn't believe what she was hearing! Kazuto, confessing his love to Delilah? It was exactly as she'd feared! The troublemaker had seduced him with her feminine wiles so that she could do all forms of bad stuff with him. Of course, this particular train of thought was derailed by her oh so vehement denial, which just inspired a different kind of anger. How dare she be so mean to Kazuto! What had he done to her...well other than a poorly placed confession of love. She'd show that girl soon, she'd show up at her doorstep one day to find a bullet hole in it! Of course, then she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, followed by a familiar voice. It was Alex, another foreign student, though he was Russian unlike her. They'd become good friends after awhile over shared discussions of guns and other such things. It was odd, of course, but they'd become close. She'd even shown him her weapons at home, though she'd made sure to tell him to keep quiet about the hellfire kit. That kind of thing could get you thrown in prison for a very long time. She turned around and said quietly "[color=004b80]Oh, hi Alex. I'm just watching Kazu get shot down by the school's resident bad girl. What are you doing up here?[/color]"