[center][img]http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n489/GagaMonster13/FireBird.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My name is Phoenix. Not much else to say." [b]Age:[/b] "I am 26 years old." [b]Gender:[/b] "Female. What else do I look like? I'm not a goat." [b]Race:[/b] "Spellborn. I love it. Flames and burning people to ashes." [b]Main Weapon:[/b] "Fire. My main magic power is fire." [b]Personality:[/b] "I'm very sadistic and have no care for the life of others but I have a kind side if you get close to me." [b]Other:[/b] "I can use fire magic and it turned me somewhat sadistic."[/center]