[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F0ipRZr.png[/img][/center] At the guffawing the female had done, Kazuto couldn't help the small smirk that formed on his face, the slightly taller male leaning back and resting the back of his head against the cool, damp wall. [b]"She tried, and I can respect that."[/b] He said simply, subtly grabbing the paper as it flew through the air, and pocketing it. If the girl saw the note, crumpled up and wet on the rooftop...he would never do that to a female. Hell, he would marry her just to make her feel better. Well...maybe not go that far, but he shuddered to think about what he would do to make it up to her. It would get a proper burial, at the dumpster, near his home later on. That reminded him...he still needed to call his sisters. Rei and Tsuki...they would probably be exasperated with his call, since he had just left home a few hours ago. Heh...maybe he'd leave them alone today. The comfortable silence between the two - simply watching the rain fall - was broken when Kazuto heard the quiet sound of voices. Peachy eyebrow rising, the teenager scowled, straightening up and glancing towards the staircase curiously, catching the strand of chestnut brown hair. There was another voice too, but they were both too quiet to be deciphered. Let it be known that Kazuto did not, in fact, enjoy people eavesdropping on a potentially embarrassing conversation. "Excuse me..." He muttered to Stoneheart. Standing, he rested his hands in his pockets, moving past the 'delinquent' blondie, and walking right up to the staircase entrance. Glancing down, the orange-haired teenager smirked once he caught sight of Aura, talking to another black-haired boy that he totally didn't know the name or face of. [b]"Yo, Aura. What are you doing?"[/b] Taking one hand out of his pocket, Kazuto softly poked the girl on the back of the head with a calloused finger. Normally, he talked to every student with their last name, and a respectful honorific, but for now, he rolled with the use of the more personal first-name. Nice to mix it up sometimes, after all. Glancing down at the other boy he gave him an acknowledging nod, before returning his gaze to Lockheart.