[i][b][color=#04B45F]Kaito[/color][/b][/i] The repetitious sound of a Bokken being swung could be heard echoing throughout the empty club room. Kaito was practicing his normal swing as per usual, and he was also slowly getting used to the rather eccentric vibe of the school which was filled with alot of amusing people. [color=#04B45F][i]"This school is really filled with amusing people, huh, atleast I won't get bored."[/i][/color] he though to himself with a smirk. Continuing his routine, he wiped the sweat going down his forehead and decided to take a short break. Kaito, while drinking some water, wanted to ask Kazuto, the captain of the Kendo club, for a sparring lesson. One of the few people who could best Kaito in a sparring match was him. After a drink of water, still in his Kendo equipment, decided to look for Kazuto. Sliding the door open, he notices a red head with a sour face skulking about, [color=#04B45F][i]"He's in another sour mood, hmm."[/i][/color] Kaito thinks to himself, then a petite Russian girl suddenly bumps into him with a very low and a rather nonchalant apology. Seeing this situation unfold, Kaito couldn't help but laugh, but quickly covering his mouth.