[@Oblivion666] As the bell rang Anselma started to pack her stuff up, putting her notebook and a few papers in her bag. She got up and ran to catch up with her group of guy friends. They had there usual chat about sports, games, and the latest anime show that they watched. As they walk she notice a red headed guy walking the hall. He was pretty scary, but she always looking on the positive side, and thought he might be nice. She turned to one of her friends and asked "who's that?" He responded "that's the soulless monster." "Funny. What's his name?" "Teiji Arita, you should stay away from him though." "I think all introduce myself to him." "WHHAAAT" the entire group yelled. "You can't do that you'll get killed!" "Yea, wha part of soulless monster didn't you get?" "Women up, I'm going to talked to him and you can't stop me." She tried taking a step forward but found herself unable to move thanks to her friends holding her down. She continued to struggle, trying to get loose, but they had a tight grip on her. "Let go!" "Like hell!" "This is for your own good." "Were stopping you from killing yourself" "Let go or ill scream rape!" Her friends instantly let go after she finished that sentence. The continued to mumble in protest but there wasn't much they could do since they were guys. She turned her head back at the sticking her tongue out, and walked towards Teiji. She walked slowly and started to mumble in german but caught herself and stopped. She looked up and she didn't realize how close she was to him. He turned his head toward her and she leaped back and looked at the ground. "Um, hi I'm Anselma Godebert, a um transfer student from Germany, and, and you are?" She said nervously, her body slightly backing away bracing for a answer. (Srry on tablet forgot to color font, ill do it next time.)