[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jk0ILeL.jpg[/img][/center] "Welp, see you around, Kazuto-kun." Delilah stood onto her feet and grabbed her bag. She supposed it was time to leave as well, sitting under shelter while the rain poured was fun and all, but the girl had better things to do. She followed behind Kazuto, her eyes catching sight of the eavesdroppers as they stood in front of the door that lead onto the roof. "Yo." Delilah held up a peace-sign to them before walking past them and heading back down into the school hallways. Hmm... What to do? There were so many options such as; Beating someone up, violently beating someone up, eating, beating someone up with a fellow student, trying to study but instead getting so mad she beats someone up, beating someone up while trying to study. "So much to do, such little time..." Delilah stopped in the middle of the hallway to set her bag down and pull out a pen. In very hastily scribbled letters on the palm of her hand, it read things she was supposed to do today, which wasn't much other than the things stated earlier. Using the pen, the blonde girl scribbled it all out, shrugging lightly as she capped the pen and continued down the hallway.