Bur'nak awoke around midday, he stood up and stretched yawning. He walked to the door and cracked it open and noticed he had guards at the door. He gently closed it again and locked it. He picked up a dresser with ease, he gently set it down in front of the door quietly. He went and opened the window and took a look around no one was outside. He climbed out the window onto a ledge and dropped down several ledges and into a empty room. Bur'nak moved from the room into the hallway and followed the servants to their quarters, while sticking to the shadows. Once there he grabbed a servant and pulled her into an empty room. He covered her mouth and whispered "I want to know why Alexander wants to kill Victoria, if you scream he bared his teeth I will kill you. I know Victoria's mom was a servant and you should have information I don't have time to waste what do you know?" The book was a chronicle of creeds rise to power. It stated that creeds wolf pack went to war with Wulf clan/pack for years. One day a spy kidnapped the kings new born child and held him hostage for the wulf castle and all of its land. The king agreed along with villagers but instead of handing the boy over creed sent the child away. He was sent away with creeds captain, the captain molded him into the perfect slave and warrior. Never telling the child about creed to make the illusion that creed was the true king. Creed's army and pack moved into the Wulf's territory claiming it as their own. As for the king and queen and the rest of the people a lot were slaughtered as they realized they were tricked. Even with knowing the secrets of the castle the wulf clan were utterly defeated and sent packing. The king and queen wept for their lost child. When the child grew up he became part of creeds pack and climbed the ranks of the pack. He became general of the pack and when the wulf clan attacked they were utterly defeated beyond repair by the wulf clans prince. To wound them worse he bore the white fur of the royal blood line. Creed burned and destroyed almost all books referencing the royal blood line forever keep the child in the dark.