Name: Samuel/Kali'ka (Goes by the former) Age: Sum of reincarnations/physical 247/12 Gender: Male Race: Spellborn Appearance (Samuel): Pale-skinned kid of thin build that stands about 4'11. He wears a scarf that he wraps around his head, revealing only his eyes. The scarf is half white, half green, horizontally split, and the green has a design which seems to "leech" into the white. He wears a similar flowing robe that is split halfway vertically in the same design. There is a large, intricate swirling design that curves from the right of his forehead to his upper right cheek, then it branches out and covers his right ear and swirls around his right eye, the latter looking like the outline of a monocle. His right eye has no pupil, (Not blind) and his left has a turquoise-colored one. Appearance (Kali'ka): Note: not visible unless you can travel to the plane he lives on or see said plane. A thin humanoid being made of sharp, crystallized green poison gas that is potentially deadly if you cut yourself on it. He has no pupils. Main Weapon: Poison clouds and shards of a poisonous substance which he can create and control. Personality: Quiet and withdrawn, most of the time. When he is angered he just goes into a wordless rage. He doesn't speak much, and when he does, he limits the word count. He gets angry when people question/make fun of his appearing to be a kid. Other: Samuel is a reincarnation of Kali'ka, a poison-wielding magic-user that gets reincarnated whenever he dies....after a few years. This reincarnation is random, and chooses an already alive person.