Flint ignored the casual remarks aimed his way, he wasn’t here to persuade anyone, and he was just offering his services for what he thought was the greater good. Tony enjoyed bugging him, even the nickname ‘whitey’ added a childishness to his family name which he hated. As more people entered the building, the more Flint knew he needed to leave, with or without the current group. He stood up and pocketed the silver coin as he began to speak. “Well it’s up to you guys, I’m not making you go anywhere, and if any lycanthropes come around I will deal with them personally” Flint’s voice was plagued with a hint of self-doubt at the last comment. He was confident he could take down one were-being, as long as he wasn’t taken by surprise, but more than that and he wasn’t so sure. The ferocity of the attacks, and the speed and power. Flint preferred not to think about it. It was times like this that the weight of the revolver under his arm was reassuring. Around this thought the lights tinted blue, Flint was confused, but realised what the situation meant when Parry exclaimed aloud. At that moment Flint’s first instinct was to go for his gun, but Tony and the rest didn’t take too kindly to that last time so instead he flicked his wrist and a fist sized flame began to hover a inch above his palm. He held it there as the door opened and idle chit chat continued. Flint was heavily confused by Parry’s tone, and wasn’t sure what was to happen next. He decided to walk next to Parry, fireball in hand, and see who was outside. Waiting for what to do next in the new situation. He recognised the man at the door, but could not quite remember from where.