The firefight raged on with no sign of stoppage. Outside of the tavern more armed grunts appeared, four more, all with assault rifles. They swarmed inside seemingly taking over for their fallen allies. One with a sniper rifle could be seen running around outside of the place as he dove behind cover, loading his rifle as he scoped out the area for Tasi, the grunt getting the Quarian in his scope. He squeezed the trigger once, his shot just rocketing over Tasi's head, far too close for comfort. The thug that Ashei had hit fumbled with his weapon, slamming his hand into it before dropping it at his feet in favor of a pistol which he rose towards the merc, firing off a couple shots, all but one of which missed target, the one that hit mark not breaking through her shields. Meanwhile, one shotgun tooting grunt turned his attention on Sieen, blasting the weapon in her direction, almost but not quite taking out her shields. As he rose to deliver what might have been a fatal blow he lost his footing along with three others as Roman unleashed a biotic shockwave forward. "Try not to hit any of us, Quarian," Roman said into the comm channel to the sniper as he patched a view for the man through the cameras on his suits. "They're all wearing identical dark armor. Have to be some kind of gang or something, not any I'm familiar with though." He added into the communications channel.