[b]"I'm leaving."[/b] ... [b]"Akari, I said I'm leaving."[/b] ......... [b]"Akar-"[/b] [Color=DeepSkyBlue]"Dad I heard you. I'm trying to concentrate."[/color] Akari said, with slight irritation in her voice. [Color=DeepSkyBlue]"You really don't need to announce every time you leave the house."[/color] There was a long silence before her father sighed. [b]"Are we still doing lunch today?"[/b] he asked, getting a nod in response. Walking over to where she was working on her newest ice sculpture, he admired it for a moment before pointing to the face. [b]"Your forgetting the scar she had under her left eye."[/b] he would say with a sad voice. Akari blinked and leaned away from her work. [Color=DeepSkyBlue]"Mom had a scar there? I never noticed it."[/color] [b]"Yes I suppose you wouldn't. It was very faint. She thought it looked horrible but I always thought it made her look very... cool."[/b] he said smiling. Akari cracked a grin as well and gently punched her dad's arm.[Color=DeepSkyBlue]"I'll make lunch today and bring it to you, how's that?"[/color] [b]"Alright. I'm leaving."[/b] [Color=DeepSkyBlue]"Bye."[/color] she said going back to her work. Time passed and Akari was still hard at work, only to realize her.dad had forgotten his bag on the kitchen table. She stood, blowing a cold air onto her sculpture to keep it from melting too quickly, and she grabbed her dad's bag, running outside to hopefully catch him before his work started. As she walked, she heard some people whispering about some commotion going on in the Spirit Wilds, and Akari's curiosity spiked. What in the world could be going on, that even those in the inner city knew about it. Looking around, she quickly spotted a delivery man and ran over to him. [Color=DeepSkyBlue]"Excuse me. Can you please take this to my father, Councilman Narrok?"[/color] After being assured it would get to him, she began her way towards the Spirit Wilds. Running in a brisk pace, soon she was able to see a cloud of black smoke arising in the distance. Bending the water of a nearby fountain, she rode the wave up onto the roof of a building before returning it to the stone fountain. Looking out towards the cloud of smoke, she could see that something was definitely going on. As she moved closer, she swore she heard the sounds of screaming getting louder.