[i]Gosh, why is it so dark? I cant see a thing.[/i] The thought caused Isa to blink, and soon the area around her was flooded with light. [i]Ah, I can see. That's strange. But what about-?[/i] Isa was looking around as she thought, and though she couldn't see much, what she had just seen made her want to cry in confusion. [i]I- I'm a, FISH? I...[/i] The fish tail moved, and Isa began to calm down. [i]Oh, not a fish. A mermaid. That explains why everything's so wavy. I must be underwater.[/i] Isa was able to place her hands on the bed of sand below her and push up, forcing her head above the water. What she could see now was, she had been lying in a small stream in what appeared to be a large cave or temple. Forcing herself to be silent, Isa observed as a few creatures, some close to her and some farther away, began to stir and rise from where they had been on the ground, very similar to herself. "We may be the same." Isa spoke her thought, testing her voice. The melodic lilt that meet her made her want to sing. "Mermaids always had such pretty voices..." Speaking out loud again, Isa was about to attempt to haul herself out of the water, when her body seemed to give her a warning. "Waterproof... oh, clothes." Isa had almost forgotten about clothes. "That's what I get for being a spirit for so long... how long has it been?" Isa mumbled to herself as she carefully slipped on the simple white dress and sandals as she got out of the water. Once she was out, Isa took inventory of everything on her new person. Food, weapons, and a special necklace were a few of the more notable things, however Isa could not comprehend the reason for the large number of seemingly random seashells she had. "Could possibly be a collection... I better hang on to these for now." With everything important out of the way, Isa started walking towards where the bulk of the creatures seemed to be, gathered around a gorgeous statue.