For as long as they could remember, the citizens of the city of Aster have been told the barrier that isolates them from the rest of the world protects them from dangers on both sides of the wall. On the inside, it neutralizes elemental abilities, making it impossible for those gifted with one to use it without permission from the government. While no one has seen what it's actually like outside the barrier, it is common knowledge that the world outside is not safe for humans any more but all that's about to change. Enter the Order of Vices-- an organization who's sole mission is to destroy the barrier that keeps the people in the dark. After their first attempt, the military sent a unit of Enforcers to track down anyone suspected of being involved but the closer the Enforcers get to Vice, the more they begin to realize the government hasn't been telling everything. Things to know: - Elemental abilities are limited to earth, water, fire, wind, darkness, light, and time. However, different people have different abilities within the element (for example if two people use the element of light, one may be able to cast illusions, while the other can create weapons or shields from light). Each person only has one ability. Having one of these abilities are rare and are usually passed down from parent to child but it's also rare for the child to have the same element as their parent. Because of this, children with abilities are often forced away from their own families at an early age and sent to an approved military family in order for to learn how to cope with and learn how to use their abilities. While most of them are neutralized by the barrier, there are a few people who can use their ability even without a limiter. Most of them are imprisoned 'to keep them from harming themselves and others.' - Enforcers are the results of the family switching process mentioned above. They are an elite unit within the military who are allowed to use their abilities to capture or eliminate those who can't be dealt with by the police. The program is fairly new so all the members are in their late teens or early twenties. Basically, their main job is to track down and either capture or eliminate others with abilities. They tend to work in groups or pairs. - Limiters limit the influence of the barrier on those with abilities. They should only be used by those approved by the government but that doesn't keep criminals from stealing them or making their own. -The barrier is supposedly the only thing keeping people safe. It lessens the chance of someone with an ability from using that ability to injure himself and other and keeps whatever lies beyond the city's borders out. It is maintained by ten towers that surround the city but very few know how they actually work. -The Order of Virtues is a prominent religious group that believes humans are essentially good because they are connected by a collective consciousness. They do not approve of the military's influence over society but they will cooperate on occasion. Members of the Order have given up their names and refer to themselves as call themselves by the virtue they'd like to see in themselves. Since they wear masks when seen by others who are not in the Order, they are often called Faceless. -The Order of Vices may be named after the Virtues but besides wearing masks in public and adopting different names (using vices instead of virtues) they are complete opposites. They can't stand the current society so they plan on changing things by tearing down the barrier and they don't care how many people are hurt in the process. Majority of their members have abilities but since they have limiters, few are affected by the barrier.