[center]Kai would turn around as he heard a girl saying something, seemingly to him as the voice came from a rather close distance. His eyes lowered themselves a bit only to look at a group of females, nodding slightly at the mention of a new girl in the Host Club. It was not new that someone would enter these doors for the first time, so it was not a big shock to him. Though he had to admit that he really liked to be called senpai for some reason. When the female started to introduce herself, he gave her a light nod and shook her hand which she held out to him. As the girl introduced her, he would listen to her without looking somewhere else. He learned to do this and it became an automatic thing for him to do. [i]"Mhm. I see. You're always free to leave, but since you're here. Why won't you just enjoy a cup of tea before going home?"[/i] He offered to her. [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/yyrh1.jpg[/IMG] [/hider][/center]