Glass fought the urge to step in and switch his opponents, knowing that the Room gave them all a chance to have consequence-free match ups. Still, knowing that Silic would be fighting Vera didn't fill him with enthusiasm. Choosing instead to focus on his own opponent, Glass prepared for his own battle, making sure to keep an eye on the vicious looking tail, and try to concentrate his energy as subtly as possible. Nearby, Silic wasn't sure whether to cheer for a chance to finally prove himself, or weep at having to battle against the cyborg who had almost wiped the floor with someone far stronger than himself. As the battle began, Silic dodged to the right, avoiding the energy blast, only to run into Vera's mighty kick! Spittle flew from his mouth, as the Namekian tried to gather his wits once again, and quickly gathering energy, launched a close-range Dodon Ray, hoping to force the android away from him. Dodging narrowly above and to the right of Fourteen's energy slice, Sodius charged in to try and deal with the cyborg at close range. The sword may look powerful, but that wouldn't matter if he could get within the weapon's guard and get some strikes in! Nearing his opponent, he launched a powerful series of jabs at Fourteen's head and body. Seeing that his opponent wouldn't be making the first move, Glass decided now was the time to try one of the new moves he'd learned. After spending enough time in the Pendulum Room and with the Turtle School, it was impossible not to pick up. Dropping into the proper stance, he quickly gathered energy, hoping to just force an opening in Fifteen's stance. "Kamehameha!" A beam of brilliant blue energy shot forward, aimed at the center of Fifteen's mass.