Inside the hobby store,a small crowd started to congregating around an active battle field. 6 Individuals are involved in this battle which was not uncommon. What made it uncommon was its team ratio, it was 5 against 1 match. The battlefield was set to field 2, the desert where there is minimal cover for both sides. The 5 man team consists of various mobile suits from different series, "God" Gundam from the G Gundam series, Zeta gundam from ms z gundam , Aegis gundam from Gundam seed, Gundam F91 from Gundam F91 and Nu Gundam from Mobile suit Gundam Char's counterattack. Their opponent was the Jagd Arche Gundam, a Gundam which was larger than an average mobile suit. The Aegis Gundam and Zeta Gundam were airborne in their mobile armor mode scouting ahead with the other mobile suits following behind them. The Jagd Arche Gundam was standing completely still in the middle of the desert as if its user was waiting for something to happen. As soon as the large mobile suit was detected by radar of the two scouting units, a large beam stream was fired by the Aegis Gundam in its Mobile armor attack mode prompting the target mobile suit to dash to the left while releasing crimson particles. In response to this the Zeta gundam began firing its rifle in attempt to damage the crimson Gundam but it was all in vain since the Jagd Arche Gundam easily out-paced both large beam stream and the rifle shots. Not wanting to give up, the user of the Aegis Gundam fired a continuous beam at the Jagd Arche and started strafing it in hopes that it will catch up with the surprisingly nimble giant. In doing so, the desert sand began to disperse into the air creating multiple clouds of sand in the desert around the area of the Jagd Arche. Despite no longer having a clear line of site of their opponent, the two Gundams continued their onslaught by firing blindly into the sand clouds hoping to get a lucky hit while their allies readied themselves for any possible counterattacks that would come out of the sand cloud. A few seconds later, the Jagd Arche fires a crimson beam shot through the sand cloud using its GN launcher mounted on the right shoulder aimed at the Aegis Gundam while simultaneously using its right hand to grab one of its GN buster swords stored in the back and lob it towards the airborne Zeta Gundam . The Aegis Gundam took a direct hit from the GN launcher due to the user being too focused on strafing its laser to the point where the mobile suit was basically stationary, while the Zeta was stunned by the sudden counterattack that the user didn’t noticed that buster blade was flying towards the mobile suit. By the time the Zeta turn its head to face the direction of the enemy, the only thing that could be seen by the user was the edge of the buster blade before the camera feed cuts out due to the buster blade being wedged deep into the Zeta’s head and chest extinguishing its power source and thus causing it plummet towards the ground like a bird shot down during hunting season. As the Aegis gundam exploded and Zeta started free falling towards the ground a giant crimson gundam flies out of the sand cloud passing through the falling dead body of the zeta gundam to retrieve its blade using its right hand and continued its flight path towards the remaining mobile suits while releasing a massive amount of red GN particles causing the targeting systems of the opposing mobiles suits to go haywire and forcing them rely on manual aim which greatly decreases the accuracy of their ranged weapons. As the Jagd Arche flew towards the direction of the trio, the F91 started shooting its beam rifle at the titan of a mobile suit with extremely poor accuracy while charging towards it with its free hand holding an ignited beam sabre. As it got closer and closer towards the red mobile suit the F91 started spinning its sabre hand to create its signature beam buzz saw while the God Gundam charges up one of its signature moves, the “Sekiha Tenkyoken”. In order to follow up with attacks of its allies, the Nu Gundam detaches all of its funnels and began firing at crimson mobile suit with unrelenting waves of beams using both rifle and funnels. In response to this the Jagd Arche ignites its beam sabre mounted on its left leg to parry the beam sabre of the F91 while its right arm started to imitate the F91’s signature with its buster blade to block the barrage of beam shot coming from the Nu Gundam while also causing the sand to disperse into the air violently to the point where both the F91 and the Jagd Arche were basically inside a sandstorm. Afraid of possible friendly fire the Nu Gundam halted its relentless assault. At the same time the F91 activated its Back Jet stream feature to give it an advantage in the fight against the giant red mobile suit. Outside of the sandstorm the only thing can be seen were the occasional sparks generated when two beam sabres clashed. Reluctant to wait any longer for a clearer shot, the God Gundam unleashed Its “Sekiha Tenkyoken” into the sandstorm briefly revealing silhouette of two clashing Gundams inside the sandstorm before detonating causing large explosion to engulf the area creating an even large sand storm. As the sandstorm clears, a wreckage of the F91 Gundam can be seen lying where it had been standing a few seconds ago along with a trail of red GN particles leading to the sky prompting the two remaining gundams to look up only to see the Jagd Arche gundam unscathed by their attack. The Nu Gundam and God Gundam nodded to each other before they proceeded with their combination attack. The God Gundam started to glow Golden as its chest opens to reveal an energy multiplier, the wing-like field emitters on its back unfold as ring of energy forms around it while the Nu Gundam detaches it funnels once more to create its signature fin funnel shielding around the God Gundam. Moments later, the God Gundam began charging towards the Jagd Arche with the Nu Gundam following it close from behind. Seeing this, the user of the Jagd Arche launched its GN fangs towards the fin funnels. The GN fangs made quick work of the fin funnels, easily destroying each of them by ramming through them despite the best efforts of the Nu Gundams pilot to shoot the fangs down. Reluctant to give up the God gundam continued its charge despite no longer having the protection of the fin funnels. As soon as the God Gundam got to within a few centimetre of the Jagd Arche to unleash its “Erupting God Finger” attack the large Gundam simply side dashed to the left and swung its buster blade towards God Gundam knowing full well that the Gundam couldn’t alter its flight path at that speed in such a short distance. As a result of the God Gundam failed attack, it was bisected cleanly throughout the entire length of the Gundam causing it explode behind the Jagd Arche. Shortly after the explosion of the God Gundam, the Nu gundam came charging in with its beam sabre ignited only to be impaled by the buster of the Jagd Arche demonstrating its superior reach with its longer blade and limbs. With the elimination of all of the mobile suits in one team, the computer finally gave its signature announcement . BATTLE ENDED As the both teams began reclaiming their Gunpla , the crowd began cheering and chanting the nickname of the winner of the battle. “VERMILLION ! VERMILLION! VERMILLION!” Raiyen walked towards leader of the opposing team and extended his right hand towards him while smiling with gratitude. Although the leader was disappointed that his team couldn’t beat Raiyen, he acknowledged the fact that it was a good fight and shook his hand.