Vera grinned wildly as her kick landed, as to be expected given how he was before, but what she did not expect was the boys fast recovery as he fired a ray within mere moments after being kicked! Twisting her body she avoided a direct hit but it clipped her side, shredding a chunk of clothing along with burning her skin. He had gotten faster that was for sure, not to mention learning more dangerous moves. However, now she was not in the best place to defend herself from a attack, her hand coming up to attempt to fire a Masenko towards him to make sure that he did not push the advantage. Meanwhile #14 was busy with a rather aggressive one as she was being pressed back as she put all her effort into attempting to avoid the punches and kicks, though her smaller size helped with this. Her sword sheath retracted back behind her with the handle facing down just as the horns on her head gave off a small spark of energy, gathering a small ball of ki before firing it! IT was designed to explode the moment it got a few meters out, but it as only really a distraction as she grabbed onto the handle of her sword, it breaking in half to show a much smaller knife in the hilt! Just like before a flash of energy danced across her horns as if gathering something new as she charged into the fray with her knife. The bright blue light of the Kamehameha caused #15 to cover her face for a moment as it was charged, and yet she did not move from her spot even as it was fired directly at her! The beam seemingly clashed with its target as a wave of blue ki washed over the crimson haired women. However if Glass pressed his attack he would notice something; as the beam had hit a gauntlet formed around the androids arms, the red matching her hair as they formed over all her limbs from the rings that were just below her joints. The last of which was her neck, which formed slowly as she smiled away, happy about just how much power Glass had, the attack even damaging one of her gauntlets. After her mask finished forming she dashed forward at surprising speed, only to go down to the floor much faster. HEr fist slammed into a solid piece of the molten earth, sending sprays of lava above her towards Glass!