[CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7s0gwCq.png[/IMG] [I]Even in death, they still talk[/I][/CENTER] [h2]What this RP offers:[/h2] [list] [*]The world of the Forgotten Realms Faerun, augmented and expanded by you! [*]A D&D esque experience for everyone [*]A non-dice based combat system, instead relying on objective and realistic thinking from the combatants[/list] [h2]What I want from you:[/h2] [list] [*]Serious and objective thinking [*]Humour [*]Creativity [*]Good spelling. Not perfect, good.[/list] [h2]Handy player skills:[/h2] [list] [*]Familiarity with AD&D 2nd Ed and Forgotten Realms. [*]A decent amount of neutrality. [*]Perfect spelling [*]Ability to write more than 10 sentences.[/list] [h2]The Setting[/h2] A wizard of moderate power has posted signs all over the town, recruiting adventures on a quest to 'challenge' a competing magic user, and he is willing to pay a small fortune for any brave and equipped enough to accompany him on his journey. The posters invite applicants to visit the wizard's tower if they wish to join him on this easy quest for a fair reward. (Nothing out of the order here, but details will certainly be worked out in good order. Since the story will largely depend on what the party does, this could not even be a major plot in it!) If all of this sounds interesting and you'd like to join, head over to the OOC: [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/78997-forgotten-realms-tales-of-the-dead/ooc[/url] [i]Thanks to HeySeuss for a nice topic template[/i] [i]Picture credit: Boyko @digital-art-gallery[/i] [hider=Ye olde OP for you readers] I've created an OOC which outlines the exact requirements and the exact character sheet for the roleplay, to help you decide if you wish to participate: [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/78997-forgotten-realms-tales-of-the-dead/ooc[/url] Greetings folk, I'm DMZ, and I've decided to start up another roleplay in one of my favourite worlds. I've ran a similar story on the old RPG, called 'Path of Gold', and sort of managed to finish it thanks to some very dedicated roleplayers at the time. So, it's time to do it again, since I don't see any topics that tickle this particular fancy. [b]The Setting[/b] We'll start off in classic D&D fashion: somewhere in the world a group of adventures assembles for a mission, and hilarity(plus roleplay) ensues. The world we're playing in will be the world of Drizzt Do'Urden, the world of Baldur's Gate, the world of Faerun, with all or most of its quirks and tricks. That does not mean there needs to be a strict adherence to the rules of the world, as I've always stuck with the mantra: 'if you can explain and play it, chances are you'll be allowed to'. The world functions merely as a backdrop, sparing me the need to create a full world with many languages, and allowing us to expand upon the world and its assets. [b]The Concept[/b] As you've maybe noticed, the setting is straight out of D&D rulebooks. This doesn't mean you'll need to know D&D, far from it. The last RPG of this form I ran, Path of Gold, didn't require the players to know the basics of D&D, it simply required imagination, a good writing style and the willingness of participate. Think of the game as D&D light. Our main focus is to have fun, explore the world, acquire treasures, fall in love, learn new magic, fight the battles, and so on. The standard D&D experience, without the requirement of having the knowledge. I will be acting as the DM, helping you with the character sheet creation, controlling enemies and NPCs alike, and trying to provide you with a world worth exploring, with (hopefully) unlimited freedom to do what you like. [b]The story[/b] A wizard of moderate power has posted signs all over the town, recruiting adventures on a quest to 'challenge' a competing magic user, and he is willing to pay a small fortune for any brave and equipped enough to accompany him on his journey. The posters invite applicants to visit the wizard's tower if they wish to join him on this easy quest for a fair reward. (Nothing out of the order here, but details will certainly be worked out in good order. Since the story will largely depend on what the party does, this could not even be a major plot in it!) [b]What I want from you[/b] - A respectable and somewhat mature attitude to things - The capability to write good English (that meaning, spelling and grammar mistakes should be rare). - An active imagination and lots of creativity(remember, we'll be creating spells, magic items and maybe even new races!) - A lot of time to invest. This roleplay will take months, likely more, depending on player participation. If you don't have the time for it, don't apply. You'll be expected to post every week, multiple times. [b]What you _don't_ have to have[/b] - D&D knowledge. This is very much D&D light, and I'll be handling most of the heavy work. If you wish to learn D&D or explore it on your own during the roleplay, that is fine, but you certainly shouldn't be worried about knowing the world, the magic system or the dice rolls. Any of these concerns will be addressed when we come to it. - Perfect English. No, you don't have to have an English Major and perfect spelling and grammar to play. It's a welcome addition, but not a requirement. - The ability to write X paragraphs. I have never been a fan of these, and as such I won't hold you to a minimum amount of words per post. However, understand that the more you write, the more everyone has to work with, so if your posts are frequently of the order of one or two sentences, this will be a problem. To give you an idea of how the last RP went, these are the rules and requirements I set out. This RP will follow much the same principle: - Serious players, since this RP will require some honest and objective thinking. - This means no gods, MS and speed posters of course. - Players with a sense of humour. - Creative thinking. - Good spelling. Not perfect, good. Preferable, not required: - Familiarity with AD&D 2nd Ed and Forgotten Realms. - A decent amount of neutrality. - Perfect spelling - Ability to write more than 10 sentences. Q: I want to be a god of some sort, can I? A: Unless exceptionally weak for a god, no. Let's keep it on the ground. Q: How about undead and demons/angels? A: Make your pick. Be sure to balance your character accordingly and expect some resistance in towns/cities. Q: I got all 25's on my scores! I rule! A: Your game will be significantly harder, since every single monster will attack you, random lightning will have more chance of hitting you, Drizzt might come around, cows can fall from the sky, etc etc. Q: I got a spiffy M-16 and am a cyborg! A: May Bhaal have mercy on ye. *dropkicks character to hell's smithy pits* Findin ye olde musket might be an option. Q: i got like a 1000 minions, muahahaha! A: If you can feed and manage all of them, good luck. I'll be sure to kill off half of them before each battle. Q: My special ability is call a demon, which destroys everything! A: You first, then it disappears and the RP goes on. Q: What if I don't want to die? A: Depending on how the RP goes ya may have to. In that case you might be resurrected at a nearby temple, or we'll meet a new character somewhere along the storyline. Don't expect either to happen. Q: Ooh, can i do an NPC? A: You can, depending on who we meet and how much interest there is. Q: I don't know D&D at ALL? Can I play? A: Yes, it shouldn't be too hard for you to learn some stuff. D&D damage mechanics: It's a dice based system. For example: A weapon does 1d4 damage. This means you roll one(1) dice with four(d4) sides. The minimum you can roll is 1, the maximum is 4. So the weapons deals between 1 and 4 damage without any bonuses, which usually just add to what you rolled. Magical example: 2d4 +3 This time you roll two(2) dice with four(d4) sides, and add three to the roll. Minimum you can normally roll is 2 (2x1, snake eyes), maximum is 8(2x4). However, since there is a +3, the minimum/maximum rolls become 5 and 11 respectively. Dices can have any number of sides, from 3 to a 100. For the purpose of weapons we'll stick to d4-d12. Spells also use the same principle. Q: I want to read up on FR material. Where? A: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Q: How...? A: Ask in the thread, think I've covered most there. [/hider]