[i][b][color=#04B45F]Kaito[/color][/b][/i] Catching the photo from Katia, he takes a quick glance at it and remembers that she did see this person strutting about before he enterred the Kendo room for practice. He was about to mention it when he noticed her sour expression and an air of hostility surrounding the girl. A sweat bead drops from his forehead. [i][color=#04B45F]"Two people are staring me down now, haaah, seems i am not well liked."[/color][/i] Keeping his mouth shut instead, he was about to shrug off the glares that can pierce the soul. [i][color=0072bc]"Kaito Amaya huh? You don't listen well to rumors do ya?"[/color][/i] mouthed the red head. [i][color=#04B45F]"Well no, not really, but do you mind telling your girlfriend not too glare at me too much, I get shy."[/color][/i] Kaito teased. Then a random brunette stroke through their conversation. He rose an eyebrow to this, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to identify this odd individual. [i][b][color=lightblue]"H-Hello! Are yo-ou... "crazy4kendo201"?"[/color][/b][/i] the stranger said. [i][color=#04B45F]"How do you know my old usern-"[/color][/i] Kaito almost replied then he sees an odd bump near the strangers nether region, facepalming, he stands in the the way of said 'bulge' so that this odd ball could keep what was left of his dignity. [i][color=#04B45F]"Cover that up, Warmonger-san"[/color][/i] he whispers to his recognized pen pal friend. During this ridiculous ordeal, the intercom flicked on and a chilling and nonchalant voice seeped through; [b][i]"Greetings, faculty, staff, and students. Please report to the E-1 Auditorium for an important lecture on the happenings of the school." [/i][/b] [i][color=#04B45F]"Keh, the spar can wait till' later."[/color][/i] he thought to himself, as he was walking to the auditorium he looks back and says; [i][color=#04B45F]"You coming Boner-san?"[/color][/i]