Hiii~~!!! Kk. Sooooo like here's what the bunny is thinking as a charrie 'type'^^ I'd like to be the 'annoying little sister' type. Like, she'd be happy and chatty and fun, but always feels the need to prove her worth. Like she has issues with feeling like the annoying little sister and so she gets all mouthy like and that just makes her put herself in a position where she bites off more than she can chew. Like I'm sure shes grown out of that for the most part since grad, but still has signs of it happening. She also has a bit of a temper when she's treated like the 'awwww... that's just our kid sister.' I'm thinking she'd be recon/scout type. Long range, but in hand to hand, that's where like she feels the need to prove herself. Stronger in spirit powers than in physical prowess too? Kk, but that's just what I gots in minds so far? Lemme know! Yayuh~~<3!!