[color=003471]commence threadspamming a la taaaaaaj[/color] a few things: I posted about a job i really wanted a while ago, and how i had an interview for it. bad news is that I didn't get the job. more bad news is that they promoted me to a different position instead. i really really really really really do not want this new job. fuck that noise. I'm thinking of starting some kind of podcast or youtube channel to spread around my fuckery. One of the first things I'd probably upload to a new youtube channel would be the "I do my boyfriend's makeup/My boyfriend does my makeup" tag, which would be fucking hilarious and weird and we'd probably get drunk. Seems interesting enough for me. My family went and bought a new house and sold the house i grew up in without telling me until days before it was all finished up. They're not moving for a few months yet but urrgghhh stress. It's insanity. I lived in that house for a long time and suddenly it's just not going to be 'home' anymore ._. no diggity. I'm also thinking of starting up my old Spamfiction again, where Spam has transformed into Verona a la Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I'll raise another thread with links for that later. How are all you shits? Doing well?