In the now Res Publican Imperial City, the Moth Priests, unnoticed by the revolutionaries, would continue their prophecies: [b][i]Skyrim[/i][/b] "You may threaten me," the Dragonborn was speaking to the surprised Stormcloak agents who had broken into his adopted children's room, "but you do not threaten my family!" And with that, he would use a Restoration Paralysis spell, causing the unfortunate duo to collapse, unable to move. The Breton would then bring the two agents over to the guard barracks, and report the attempted kidnapping. At the same time, reports have come in that Ulfric's forces were approaching Whiterun, with catapults and ballistae in their train... [b][i]Hammerfell[/i][/b] [hider=Gorgenmast's Rulings on His Warplans]Here are the outcomes I've concluded on: - Overall, a Pyrrhic victory for the high elves, due mainly to their magic use and organization. Their numerical superiority was of little benefit and they have taken substantial losses. - The small, nimble Redgard ships manage to keep the High Elf ships engaged and prevent a landing in the harbors. Ultimately, the Altmer magic and their better armed ships repel the Redgard ships. Several Altmer ships are boarded and taken by the exceptional Redguard fighters. Most of these are scuttled and sunk, but a handful of High Elf ships are captured and join the remaining Redguard navy which retreats to inlets to the North. An Aldmeri admiral - directly subordinate to the leader of the Sentinel expedition - is taken captive from his flagship along with several other high ranking officers. - The magical ranged attacks are effective against the defenders on the ramparts. Redgurds are not renowned archers and inflict relatively few casualties prior to the attacks on the walls. - The Redguard rear guard operating outside the city walls are far more effective against the attackers man-for-man than the defenders within Sentinel. The rear guard makes assembling siege engines difficult and time consuming, picking off unsuspecting Altmer and giving the defenders in Sentinel time to steel themselves for the assault. - The Altmer are forced into a costly battle for the walls of Sentinel, as their navy has been unable to launch a landing. The Redguards - being exceptional swordsmen - inflict three times as many casualties than they receive. The Atronachs are used as effective shock troops, and manage to open breaches for lesser daedra and Aldmeri swordsman to exploit. - As the fight for the breaches intensifies, the rear guard harries the besieging high elves - putting the Aldmeri siege in serious jeopardy. The Altmer are forced to divert soldiers from the battles on the walls to deal with the rear guard. This essentially halts the Aldmeri expansion through the city. - A portion of the rear guard attacks a fringe battalion and brushes this segment of the attack aside, allowing them access to one of the gates. These 2,000 redguards are allowed into the city and offer their assistance in removing the Altmer from the city. Sentinel's lord denies their offer, and instead tasks them with evacuating as many noncombatants from the city as possible. - As the Altmer and their daedra push deeper into the city, the rear guard and the remaining defenders order the citizens to follow them out of Sentinel's rear gate. One Altmer battalion threatens to cut the escaping noncombatants off. Faced with abandoning a portion of the city to the elves or risking the civilians come against the Aldmeri swordsmen, the commander of the Redguard rear guard chooses to save those he has roused from their homes and leaves a 1/5 of the city to their fate. The rear guard manages to send the noncombatants out through the gates and sees that the elves that would chase them down are engaged. - The King of Hammerfell, Azzhlan, manages to escape his burning city, while his Palace Guard buys them time, killing many Elves and Daedra, befor Outcomes: Altmer: - Sentinel taken. Walls are severely damaged. City is moderately damaged. - Moderate losses to fleet. High ranking officers are missing in action. - Heavy losses incurred. 18,000 killed, 5,500 seriously wounded. - Will need reinforcements or time to heal/regroup before another campaign. Redguards: - Sentinel lost. Nearly two thirds of the city's populace manages to escape into the desert. - King Azzhlan successfully escapes to lead his troops on. - Heavy losses to fleet. Several Aldmeri officers captured alive. Four Altmer warships captured. Fleet retreats north along the coast to repair and regroup. - Heavy losses incurred. 14,000 killed or captured. 600 seriously wounded. - Remaining forces have to see that escaped noncombatants find safe haven before regrouping to attack. Let me know if you have any questions or disagreements.[/hider] What a cause for sadness, what a cause for wrath! Sentinel has fallen to the Aldmeri Dominion, and only lamentation can follow! As the walls of the city fall down, as the last of the defenders are slaugthered, the cries of the remaining population reach the heavens as the Thalmor troops begin indulging in every barbarity of war; raping, killing, and looting as they went, carrying off everything of value, breaking into houses and slaugthering all inside, burning entire districts with magical fire, disemboweling pregnant women, and rounding up children to use as target practice. Women were buried alive in their own homes, Men were hacked to bits and raised as undead, priceless treasures and relics were carried off to the Thalmor ships; truly, this was a day that will live in infamy. The Aldmeri Dominion commander didn't care that Azzhlan would retaliate against their own Thalmor prisoners; if they were weak enough to get captured in the first place, then they deserved to die. [b][i]Cyrodiil[/i][/b] Back in Cyrodiil, Skingrad has fallen, and so has Kvatch, both being subjected to a brutal sack, before the Thalmor spread out to ravage the countryside, forcing the escaping Res Publican troops to fight together with the counterrevolutionary militia that had been raised against them, with Lucius Cincinnatus managing to manfully escape, this time to the Imperial City, where, with a council made up of the Heads of the various Guilds, he declared the formation of the Republican Senate, as well as the foundation of a New Model Army, a force raised by Fighters, Butchers, and Blacksmith's guilds. This New Model Army would be armed with a weapon not commonly used in the Empire, Pikes, supplemented by equally uncommon weapons, Halberds. Ranged Weaponry would be a made up of massed Crossbowmen, the rationale behind that being the fact that Crossbows were easier to train an army in than normal bows. At the same time, whatever Staffs of Firebolt were gathered by the army, and entrusted to a cadre of 'sharpshooters', men and women who, though not able to shoot fireballs from their hands, were able to shoot it from a weapon... [b][i]High Rock[/i][/b] Word of the Sack of Sentinel had spread to the Anti-Thalmor coalition, who were still busy trying to take down Alunausbah, but whose continued successes were enough to get them focused on their original goal, to frustrate the Thalmor. More aid will come to Hammerfell. In the meantime, in Daggerfall, the Merchants and Citizens were sending petitions to the Crown for it to do something, [i]anything[/i], about the loss of a valued trade partner, Sentinel, which had also been in personal union with Daggerfall decades before the First Great War. Thus, there was high Pro-Hammerfell sentiment in the kingdom, sentiment given overwhelming moral force. In the meantime, Alunaushbah had begun attacking New Orsinium with his remaining Dragons, destroying several lesser settlements already. Though there was no love lost between Bretons and Orcs, it might make for good realpolitik to rescue the Osimer from Alaunausbah, and so sow the seeds for refounding the ancient Daggerfall Covenant...