Ella's face lit with excitement and Jack only had a moment to look at her in bewilderment before he was suddenly being yanked onto his feet, pulled part way down the sidewalk. Mouth gaping, he stumbled forward as he tried to keep up with her excited pace, Completely ignoring the scandalized expressions on the faces of people that they passed bye. "Hold up! Are you serious?" He finally blurted out, Reaching out and grabbing her arm to bring her to a stop. He lifted both of his dark eyebrows slightly incredulous. "are you even sure that I am the Jack that you were friends with? Jack Hadley? If that is your jack, then that's me. But I could be some random homeless guy that you're inviting into your home for all you know. He studied her face very carefully for a moment, all vague fuzziness gone from his head for the moment. Expression growing serious, he continued in a much softer voice. "are you Ella Moore?"