[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jk0ILeL.jpg[/img] [@SaekoGami][/center] "Yup, Delilah is my name. Let's go." The young girl waved her hand and began walking down the hallway. She shoved her hands into her pockets and glanced over her shoulder, making sure Beatrix was close behind. Though Delilah did skip class, she made sure to at least show up to assemblies just for the heck of it. Assemblies were a great way to sleep and catch up on her rest, and the more rest she got that better her mood would be. She didn't know why she invited the girl along with her, but it was probably because of how upset and apologetic Beatrix was when she bumped into her. Delilah didn't want to cause a tear-jerker, especially if that someone was a delicate little lady. It was a man's code of honor-Well, including Delilah-, to never let a woman down, to never ruin a woman's sanctity. Delilah pulled a hand out of her pocket and clenched her fists as she had imagined a flock of women surrounding her. "I am a true gentlewoman..." She whispered, feeling quite victorious with how calm she was around the smaller girl.