[@Necrophage] He knew, that was good. It was always a little odd hearing someone else talk about her as if she was not there. It was forever ago though so there was no way they could have known that she was still around. Shaking her head slightly she couldn't help but smile at Grey's jab at the gods. Indeed they were a fickle bunch. More easily wounded by mere words than just about any other creature in existence. It was then that he asked if Arachne was their target. For a second she almost corrected him harshly but held her tongue. Looking out at the flashes in the distance she took a breath to calmed herself. "[color=slateblue][b]No, Arachne is not the cause of this. Nor is she the target. I wanted to know how much you knew in case I needed to explain it to you. But I don't have to.[/b][/color]" The noise outside continued and she leaned forward so Grey wouldn't have to take his eyes further from the road. "[color=slateblue][b]That chaos out there may find us eventually. And when it does I want you to know who I really am, what I really am. Autumn Weltich is just an alias. That woman in the myth is me. I am Arachne.[/b][/color]" Unsure how this information would be taken she sat back and waited. There were many directions revealing who she was could go. Very few of them seemed good at the moment. It wasn't like they didn't know each other. She had assisted him several times in the past and given him work but that didn't necessarily change the fact that he hunted monsters. Up until this moment she had always maintained the guise of being human and Grey was doing work under human supervision.