O,O!!! Wows! [@bluejay_gl] soooo talented with the drawings, ^you!! I'mma just do muh charrie image ye olde fashion'd way! I'mma link out someone else's hard work xDDDD Hrmmms... guessing we'd all be around the same age too right? Soooo like what does Wren like to do in spare time other than electrocute bullies? xDDD I'mma say muh charrie lieks to dance^^ and sing. Muh girlie is very talented at dancing too ;D But she really really thinks she can sing rather well. She thinks she can... but no... just no... xDDD And i'm thinking she'd be a stealthy, sniping kinda chick cliche powered soldier? Yush. That^^ ~Edz~ Oh yeah...! Hiiiii~~!!