[quote=@Bunnita] xDDDD Yayuh! I knows I knows, I gets really excited then gets all silly^^ But k soooo like for serious-serious... I 'm really thinkin that I would really like to try out for the Wraith family, cuz like the spin ya puts on shadow as protective.. tickles muh bunny brain^^ [/quote] Servants of the Opal gain the ability to shift into ethereal form as well, making them invisible and able to phase through objects. The rest is up to you - the power of the Shadow is a great one. [quote=@AgentFallenSoul] Is this still open?????? This is a badass concept [/quote] We have a good number now, so we can start when everyone has their character sheets. I'll work on the thread soon. [quote=@TheTwistedOne] :o I hope someone will let me play as their guardian then. Also speaking of the guardians will they be some sort of anthros? or normal animals that I assume can speak? :) [/quote] Sorry, missed this earlier. If you wanted to be an anthro, that's totally fine. Animal guardians are spirits - they can communicate with their partner telepathically, use magic and come in all shapes and sizes. Most guardians hide their true form to blend in, though. For example, a Ruby servant's guardian could be a giant black panther covered in flames, but takes the form of a black house cat in public.