Thankfully it seemed her plan had worked, the blast not only distracting him but forcing him to grow back his limb, a rather unique ability that she bet most beings wish they had. Twisting back upright, Vera once again faced Silic looking a little disappointed by something as he charged her once again.[color=8882be][b] "Time for a new lesson!" [/b][/color]Leaning forwards into the coming blast, Vera suddenly vanished showing up behind Silic where she attempted to get him into a iron grip head lock and turn his head towards the others fighting. [color=8882be][b]"Listen close. When facing a powerful enemy, even if they outnumber you, teamwork will always win out over sheer power[/b][/color]." It was then that she sensed a building power coming from Sodius and from the way that it was forming her technique filled mind guessed at just what he was planning. [color=8882be][b]"For instance Silic~"[/b][/color] If he was still in her arms she would slap her free hand over his mouth before trying to vanish from where they were to right behind his brother, a grin forming over her face as she waited for the explosive wave to come! Meanwhile #15 was looking up towards Glass, her tail coming up above her head to point its tip at the charging namekian and fire small beams of energy towards him as he came down towards her. However she got a whole new plan as she looked down towards the crack in the lava flow that she had caused and simply hopped into it like it was just a bath to her! Vanishing into the pool of molten rock with her tail going in last.