Zhao was breathing heavily now. Another shop nearby ha caught fire and was billowing smoke into the alley. Zhao didn't mind the smoke but he knew enough in an enclosed space could kill anyone. Sputtering slightly he got to his feet and stumbled to the end of the alley. The street was empty now, completely devoid of all life, and death. There was no bodies, nothing, as if everyone had just been taken away. Walking the way the creatures had come from Zhao noted that they seemed to originate from the Spirit Wilds. He was tempted to turn and run in the opposite direction when a large truck pulled up. Inside was the unmissable uniforms of the Republic City police and at the entrance to the truck was Officer Shen. Shen had been Zhao's arresting officer three years ago and had been the driving force behind his enrolment in the department too. "Zhao, you son of a-" Shen chuckled. "What are you doing out here? The street's been cleared, we are trying to contain them in the Wilds. That one was the only to break the perimeter. Never mind, I could use your help. How do you feel about being deputised?" Zhao was tempted to tell the officer where he could shove the suggestion, but Zhao had no other idea of where he could go. And he wanted to help however he could. "Will I get paid for this Shen?" The officer laughed again and shook his head. "No, Zhao, it's a public service." Nodding glumly Zhao jumped into the back of the truck and stumbled as the vehicle pulled away. The men in the back all looked fairly glum. Clearly they had had other plans for the day turning a last few corners Zhao noticed the change in environment and knew they were entering the Wilds. Dismounting quickly the entire area seemed t be caked in a fog. Just then an area of the fog dissipated, off to the right of Zhao. Before Shen could say a word, he was busy talking to the dismounting officers, Zhao was running towards the clean air. Pushing through the fog he was suddenly in the open space. On the ground a girl, airbender by the looks of it, was either dead or unconscious. On the other side of the clearing there was a man, no idea if he was a bender, running from one of the spirits. Without thinking Zhao jumped forward, raising his hands a small jet of fire, only a few inches long, sparked in his hands. It was like a blowtorch in his palm and as he positioned himself he waited for the running man to go past. As he did so Zhao rolled himself backwards and shot a wall of flame between the spirit and the man. The spirit collided with the flames and there was a low rumble as it ploughed through. Two glowing eyes turned into tiny slits as it focused on Zhao and he jumped backwards, leaving another trail of fire as he tried to escape imminent doom. He was not a quick enough however and the spirit shot one hand through the fames and knocked Zhao backwards. His head was spinning now and Zhao slowly got to his feet, slightly dazed.