Damn phone. most of the threads can simply be remade. just takes time todo it. I am a fan of how the Hall of Records work with it being based on the writers and not.ranked.by character. As well as the 10% system the use to distribute points after wins and losses. A winner gains 10 percent of the losers total and the loser loses that much. A harder way to do it would be like the Seguleh from Malazan, which stimulate that to advance in their ranks, you must beat someone superior and thus take their position. I am not sure what happens if you lose to a lower rank, whether everyone gets moved back or you just switch places. Important had a good idea about the kick battles, good way to show proper ways to do things that are both logical and can. Carry a fight. It would prove interesting if we also had a Dojo thread to help act out concepts in T1. For instance charging and interrupts, and to show in an example how they work.