Seems as though we've got quite the diverse bunch of personalities here - both characters and the writers that portray them. Excellent. For my character, I was considering something drastically different from my usual reckless hotheads or cheerful idiots; I was considering an earnest, yet somewhat serious loner-type. Probably comes off as all kinds of cold and distant, but the kind that doesn't associate with people not by preference or choice, but because the poor dear wouldn't know how to maintain a conversation to save her life. She probably comes off as unintentionally arrogant, probably even infuriatingly enigmatic. (I want to see if I can put a twist on the "distant loner" trope.) She's probably a perfectionist, too, and won't hesitate to point out others' flaws - but, that's only because she's had plenty of practice agonizing over her own. It's a shame we've got to find real-life face claims, though I suppose it can't be helped. I was initially thinking something like this [url] [/url] for my disaster child's appearance. (Image not drawn by me, of course. I only wish I could draw that well.)