"I guess but we could use the showers!" Puru offered with a smile as Nena growled and pushed her way past Puru, "Fine whatever I'll do it if it'll shut Puru up. Hey Grant are the showers free!?" Nena growled as Grant told her how the hell he would know he doesn't use the group shower room meant for the girls. "Fine whatever we'll find it ourselves!" Nena said plainly as Graham walked over to Nena. "You better hold your tongue gundam your making yourself out to be one hell of an attention seeker right now." Graham told her as he passed by. "Whatever says the Union Dog." Nena said flipping him off as Puru walked over to Nena. "Donna's right we probably won't be able to go in there for awhile anyway let's just hang out in the cafeteria! It may not be as warm and bubbly but we can all talk there without anyone complaining." Puru suggested. "You people are freaking weird." Grant said simply giving up on trying to control the group of girls. === "Hello Lieutenant are you here to see how Gabriel and Stella are doing?" asked Wilbur as he looked at the door opening to reveal the young Paul Lyons entering. "I suppose I am, I wouldn't be much of a Lieutenant if I didn't check in with the soldiers in the med bay." Paul said as he sat down on a nearby chair and looked at the two in the med bay. Gabriel was fast asleep and Stella sat there with a dejected look in her eyes. "I'm glad your alright Lieutenant." Stella told him as Wilbur walked over to Stella. "I believe Stella will be able to pilot a suit anytime we need her but I'm more worried about is the implications behind it. Paul, I'm not sure if you know this or not but OMNI has outlawed the use of child soldiers and Extended Soldiers along with it. We would be breaking protocol if we let Stella into a suit." Wilbur commented as Stella looked at him. "You mean I don't need to hurt anyone right? I don't like hurting people but...I will if I must." Stella said as she played with her hair and Paul sighed deeply. On one hand they could get someone to pilot Gaia in her stead. The suit was undamaged due to the Phase Shift Armor. Paul's attack shouldn't have done anything to the suit in terms of actually hurting it after all he used a rocket anchor. He had only gotten lucky in that move because he aimed at the machine's foot and hit it before it's foot landed on the ground. SIGMA Leader would be a prime candidate for a pilot of Gaia Gundam but at the same he could use it as a spare if Raigo fell in battle. "I speak for Jason and myself when I say she shouldn't need to pilot a suit. Extended...I may not be one of them but I know what it means to be a tool to be used for the greater good. It sucks that you were chosen for the life you live Stella in some ways it worse than being a coordinator working for OMNI. With that being said I need to know if I can trust you. I need to know that if I ask you too you'll back me up. I helped you because you were OMNI and a fellow gundam pilot. I don't expect much in return just that you are willing to help us in whatever way you can." Paul said to Stella as she looked at him and nodded simply not really comprehending all that he said. "Lieutenant I will help you to the best of my abilities if it helps me find Shinn. Besides that...you remind me a lot of some other people I've met. The Commander...Sting...Auel. And the Captain he is a great man. I see the look in his eyes and he makes me feel safe and secure. He understands. I may not be ready to fight all the time but when you need me Lieutenant I will help you." Stella said to Paul as he smiled and thanked her for saying so. However he did wonder what she meant by Jason understanding her. Jason did live back in an age where Extended were used heavily in warfare. It's possible that he knew one. He'd ask Jason about it later if he needed to.