[b]Thomas A. Law - [color=lightblue]THE BLUE STAR[/color][/b] T H E O P T I M I S T "You're depressing," Thomas muttered as he laid across the arms of a chair pulled out from the table, his legs swinging as he craned his neck towards Gary. "Everything has some ultimate downside for you. That has to be a very sad way of living." Just as he did so often--even when things were lively--he turned a pondering gaze towards the Unicorn Gunpla standing on the table. Its blue shoulder guard and horn had been repainted to a practiced perfection, his build coated to realistic gleam. Every since that battle and the training they've been going through, he'd started thinking that perhaps Brave Passion wasn't as perfect as he believed. He was quick and agile from never relying on ranged weapons but now he was seeing it as a major disadvantage. Especially against opponent's like Miss. Lindermann. With a sigh and a heave, he fixed his position in the chair and scooted his chair up, pushing back Brave Passion with careful hand. He laid his chin on the table and stared at his sister's masterpiece. "We'll get better, Brave. We'll get better." Then his mind strayed to the usual addiction, he raised his voice so that the others could hear him in the Club Room. "Who's up for some training? I'm really in the mood for some epic Gunpla Battling." His arms stretched up high as he twisted his arms and wound them around one another.