Zei, Dorumon and Ranamon weren't oblivious to the loud explosion, especially since it rocked the air vent they were in now. They were just starting to enter the vent and were planning to make their way into the building's ground floor when it happened and it certainly threw their plan up into the air. With everyone panicking and fleeing the building, going in through the literal backdoor would be much easier than sneaking in through the vent just to get to the ground floor, so the three made their way back down again, Zei already thinking of Plan B. "So much for subtlety," Dorumon growled, then turned to her partners-in-crime. "Alright, what now?" With the explosion came chaos and Zei knew the building would go into lockdown quite soon. "Dorumon, Ranamon, I will go in myself. I need you both to go and check out what is going on outside." "We can't leave you alone, Miss Zei! It's dangerous!" Ranamon, while only knowing her for less than a day, already felt some form of protectiveness over Zei, mostly because she was Dorumon's partner and caretaker. "That explosion would definitely attract attention and more security! If you're spotted, you'll be in deep trouble." "It's a risk I will take and it's a risk I will take alone." With a soft sigh, Zei placed both hands on each Digimon's shoulder. "I will be honest: I don't think I'm acting like who I used to be. Being in the Digital World, then going through what we saw... Something inside me changed, perhaps for good. Normally, I wouldn't even think of trying something like this, but now, I feel that we can pull this off, though perhaps not as cleanly as we would have wanted. I'll be fine, but more importantly, I need you both out of danger. If what we know about the Tokugawa Heavy Industries is true, they would do far worse things to you both than they would to me and I would never forgive myself if I don't do everything to keep you both safe. That's the least I could do." Taking her hands away, she looked at Dorumon and pulled out her Digivice, letting her partner connect the dots on her own. "... You better come out of this fucking place in one piece, Zei. We're gonna go out for kaitenzushi like you promised and we're not letting you get away until you fulfill that promise." Bumping the gem on her head against Zei's forehead, Dorumon then glanced at Ranamon and both of them nodded to each other. The white Digivice let out a bright flash of light and Dorumon's body dissolved into a coalescence of data, the Rookie Digivolving into Dorugamon while Ranamon watched with awe and a tiny hint of admiration. "The fuck are you staring at?" The purple Champion gestured at her back, after which a dazzled Ranamon climb on and hold on tight. "I have the spare phone you gave me! We'll keep you informed about what's going on," Ranamon said. "Good luck, Miss Zei! Please be careful!" Watching as Dorugamon took flight with Ranamon, soaring through the now-abandoned storage area and out to the sky, Zei took a deep breath after putting her Digivice away, then turned back and, with a dash, ran into the building. She only had so much time before the building was completely locked down and Takeda taken out of the building in the emergency. Though she knew the risk, with most of the employees no longer in the building, she decided to take the elevator, guessing that the top floor, the 75th floor, would be where she find who she's looking for.