Lava burst into the sky, red hot rock and metal raining back down to earth as if the sky itself was weeping from the attack. a large blob of lava split apart while in mid air, Fifteen having been blown out and away from the lava from the impact! Turning around mid air she landed on a solid piece of earth, her tail jabbing into it to stop her from sliding back too far. Looking over to Glass in the raining Lava, her body slowly cooled off from the intense head, her shield having been the only thing that stopped her burning to a crisp, but the impact did clearly effect her from all the bruises and scraps on her. Lowering her center of gravity she dug her fists into the earth, lifting the huge piece of earth out to throw at Glass! They had yet to fight in close conflict, but she was clearly enjoying this! Holding tightly Vera was shocked to see another pair of arms wrap around her! Now she could not release the boy even if she wanted too, her eyes going wide as she was turned to see the ki blast coming right for her! [b]"DAMN IT!"[/b] From afar the bright light of the energy causing #14 to cover her eyes for a moment, lucky to have been fast enough to escape she feared her sister was not as lucky. From the blast Vera was sent flying down towards the earth, her limb body badly damaged from the attack, even missing her left arm! Sparks danced across #14's horns as her enhanced reflexes kicked in, everything seeming to move in slow motion as she sped towards her sister, catching her mid air. Staring up towards Sodius to see the effect it had on the other pair.