[H1]Location: ???[/H1] Hao looked out from a crimson stained glass window within the foreign room he was in. When his face looked out, the crimson color faded and the fractures in the glass melded to form a crystal clear view of the outside, almost as if the window had not been there. The window was hewn into the black mortar stone of the room, which was circular in shape. The room itself was vast, being over thirty meters long in diameter. The floor was made of the same depressing dark gray shade of mortar but was polished and smooth to form a pleasant walking surface, with some areas being covered by velvet carpets. The walls too were smooth and polished in the inside of the building, though on the outside they would still be pointed and rough rocks stick together in circular arrangement. Upon this wall was pinned a magnificent tapestry stretching almost half the room's circumference depicting a mystical winged man crowned in emerald having his heart skewered out by a knight clothed fully in radiant silver armor. In front of this tapestry stood an empty and solemn throne of what appeared to be emerald effusing a light green glow through the room. A round table majestically poised itself at the center of the room, but oddly there were but two seats of pure gold beside it to keep it company. Upon this table lay dishes of exquisite quality and culinary expertise, as well as fruits and meats of the utmost succulence. The entire room had an aura of majesty and opulence, but yet Hao could not feel anything but loss. It was utterly silent and everything was untouched. Not even dust had dared to settle on anything, as if the room was frozen in time. Jewels embedded in the walls kept the temperature in the room stable and freshened the air. But this constancy unnerved Hao. Everything was too orderly, completely still and pristine. The view outside was what grasped Hao's attention. For perhaps two or three miles, all Hao could see was a field of roses. Roses full of life and in full bloom, proudly puffing out their vibrant blood red shade. The roses were extremely numerous, packed in one huge clump that ran in a circular field all around the building Hao was in. They were so packed and numerous that they appeared to be a literal sea of roses. No soil could bee seen anywhere. Yet among these roses lay decaying corpses by the dozens. Corpses of winged men and women ethereal in quality, as well as carcasses of armored knights still armed. The roses grew over they bodies, entangling them and taking life from them for their own. It was all to surreal a view, but it captivated Hao with its beauty. Outside this field of roses was desolation. Rotting corpses of fauna and man in advanced stages of decomposition, attracting all the pests and scavengers of the world. Withered and dying trees formed a bony forest, empty and without life. A river of blood ran through the forest, singing its stream of death. [color=teal]"Wonderful..."[/color] was what all Hao could utter. The scene had an exceptional quality to it, as if Hao was viewing an alien world full of unknown wonder and beauty. The death, the life, the decay, the growth, all of it lent to a picturesque scene so surreal that Hao felt as if he was hallucinating. [COLOR=red]"Wonderful yes. Do you know why? Because you do not see the harms of "higher" existence. Your taste is sublime. It is not the beauty of the roses nor the decay of corpses you find so captivating, but it is the emptiness. The solace engendered by nothingness."[/color] A cold voice. It was at first impression, a friendly one with mild tone and clear enunciation that flowed like a steady stream, but a light rattle in the tone injected an unnerving impression. The voice belonged to what appeared to be a majestic knight, armored completely from head to toe in brilliant metals forged and shaped with peerless craftsmanship. A cape of sky blue fluttered by the knights side, heralding his kingly presence. The knight was tall, slightly more so than Hao, and had an agile and slender build. A bejewelled scabbard lay strapped his hip, revealing the hilt of an undoubtedly exceptional weapon. A weapon that had eradicated mystical beings beyond human comprehension with ease. Hao nodded in agreement, still absorbed in the view. The sun shone brightly, illuminating the canvas of oddity perfectly. The knight began to speak once more, in a more formal tone than before, [color=red]"Outside the church in the graveyard there have been four intruders, thought you may already be aware. Two of which are servants. One observed vast magical capacity but did not show more than a small show of his ability. The other, as you know, held a different aura form the other servants. A significant power and capacity unknown to regular heroic spirits. Both can be dealt with, and do not pose such a threat that we must stray from our original intentions and plans as I am sure you are aware. The carrion devouring beast has more raw power than I possess, but fortunately in a test of tactical battle, I will surpass it regardless."[/color] Hao took his gaze away from the window, and it assumed its crimson stained glass composition once more. [color=teal]"It is as you say. Though I am surprised that you are so perceptive in such knowledge despite your original capabilities, your knowledge is excellent. Though in your wait I am sure you have learnt a vast amount, especially with your resources. You are currently both superb warrior and powerful magus. I do not think we should ponder about combat, considering your capabilities and mine. I myself have the capacity to defeat all other masters in this war with relative ease should I be pressured, but we are limited by the veil of secrecy. It is not that we lack the power, it is that we must have the perfect execution."[/color] The knight stood silently before responding with a calm tone followed by an gesture of pointing behind him with outstretched left arm. The clank of his armor echoed through the room in a harsh tintinnabulation. [color=red]"You are right. It is unwise to stay here however. I merely wished to show you the vision of "the world". Stay within the bounds of the church, and I will seek to ascertaining the identities and capacities of the other servants and masters myself. And I will continue to work on the modifications you have asked of me. Go, priest."[/color] Hao sauntered past the knight with a glimmer of agreement in his eyes. He continued walking and walking, and did not stop even when he was but an inch away from the wall. Hao simply walked through it, and saw only darkness. In the next instant, he found himself in the basement of the church once more. Hao smirked in anticipation of what was to follow.