Despite his better instincts, a grin tore across Glass' face. His own battle had been exciting so far, testing the abilities of a foe he knew nothing about, and at least for now, relatively consequence free. Clenching his fist, now raw after its brief contact with lava, the Namekian was impressed with Fifteen's display of strength, the sheer size of the earth she lifted enough to dwarf the pair. 'How does that even stay together?' Ignoring that question, he allowed instinct to take over, dropping into the almost hypnotic state of a desperate fighter. Glass saw an opportunity with the attack, and he took it. Throwing a number of ki blasts into the earth, a cloud of dust was thrown up as the Namekian clamped down on his energy. With a burst of speed he charged from the cloud of dust, and prepared himself for the inevitable attack of rock. With any luck, at least he'd be closer now. In the skies, Sodius looked around, sensing for his brother. He found his twin split in two, one near death and the other not much better off, a battered body with barely energy. "Pull yourself together, Silic!" Slowly, the two floated together, combining back into one. The end result wasn't too pretty. Silic, now exhausted, fought the blackness at the edge of his vision. He had already spent a huge amount of energy between battling Vera and regrowing a limb, but the Multiform and subsequent attack had completely drained him. Physically, his muscles were weary, though getting better as air now coursed through his lungs. "I'm not doing to well. I might have room for one more attack, if you can pull something together. I'm about to pass out, though." Thinking for a moment, Sodius nodded as he turned to his two targets. Down below, Fourteen held her sister in her arms, an emotion he wasn't sure of playing across her face. "I'll see what I can do." He too was feeling spent, his energy spent on that attack taking a lot out of him though. The amount of damage was certainly surprising, he hadn't expected an opponent on Vera's level to be so harmed. Ki surging through his weary body, Sodius charged at his target, knowing the now burdened Fourteen would be vulnerable for at least a moment. All he needed was one chance. Nearing the pair, he launched a brief series of straights and kicks, before Eye Flashing. A single opportunity, Sodius tried to grab the cyborg to give his brother a clear shot.