[@Raijinslayer] True to his word Saber indeed stayed on the campus of the university as to not waste any of the few precious command seals that his master had. It would've been troublesome wearing his worn yukata, wooden sandals, and rope that tied his ponytail together so he had taken it upon himself to try a new clothing attire that seemed to suit the modern era. He wore black, loose jeans held by a black belt with a gray metal buckle, a tight teal t-shirt shirt that molded around his well toned body, and brown sandals. His hair, while remaining wild and in a pony tail, was now held by a hairband that Mary lent him so that his hair wouldn't get in the way. While he didn't have his swords one him, he could simply summon them when he he has too. Both Jane and Mary tried to comb his hair this morning and the results were more or less...disastrous. There were just too many knots in his hair and it was just much too painful and difficult to do. His scruffy facial hair was also given a nice trim to make it look neat and have a better shape. Right now Mary and Saber were both in the cafeteria of the campus having breakfast, sitting by a window as they enjoyed a small meal. Saber was certainly curious about the many different foods that they had and wanted to try whatever appealed to him. He ended up getting a stack of pancakes, bacon, sunny side up eggs, sausage, and coffee. Okay, his meal wasn't small. Mary was just having oatmeal with brown sugar. The two ate in silence, a most awkward silence due to a few reasons: Mary was a very shy person who almost never talked, they didn't know what to talk about due, and it seemed like Mary wasn't very good with being around the opposite sex, even if the opposite sex was just a phantasm brought back to life by supernatural means. [color=00746b]"Er, so..."[/color] Oh lord what is there to talk about? A small voice rung out. [color=ed145b]"Um Saber-Sama, what was it like back in your previous life...?"[/color] By god this was actually the first time he ever heard Mary talk at all. She still couldn't even look up a him though. Her gaze was still downwards, no confidence in her posture. Saber sighed and sipped his coffee.[color=00746b] "It was a violent time Mary. Wars between Shogunate was common and duels between samurai's were daily activities for some of us. It was a time when wronging a samurai meant a justifiable death. I remember I've killed a lot of other samurai, I was young and reckless so I never really cared about the other party. When I got older, killing seemed to be much more detestable so I made sure that I left my opponents alive."[/color] He leaned on a propped up arm, holding his head with the palm of his hand. [color=00746b]"When confronted with no other choice, but to kill however, I always made sure that my strikes weren't hesitant."[/color] [color=ed145b]"I-I see...."[/color]