[img]http://fast-images.picyou.com/images/caqLU3/caqLU3.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Alva Donnelly [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] She's 5'2" with long black hair that has a hint of purple shine to it, bright green eyes, and pale skin. Although certified Enforcers are allowed to wear whatever they want as long as it doesn't go against the dress code, she still often wears the uniform of an Enforcer-in-training. (For girls it's a knee-length skirt with two burgundy stripes an inch from the end, a white long-sleeved oxford shirt, a burgundy double-breasted jacket with brass buttons, white socks, and black shoes.) Even though she wears the pin that proves she had graduated from the program, her uniform and her size seem to make most strangers assume she's much younger than she actually is and still in training. [b]Personality:[/b] While she's only openly hostile towards criminals, she's distrustful and disdainful of humanity in general. She can be strict, bossy, callous, and stubborn but she's also dedicated and resolute. Her duty to protect the citizens of the town can only be overshadowed by her desire to discover the identity of her real family. It's slowly becoming an obsession since she fears the thought of having to chose between loyalty to family and loyalty to the town. Although she can seem apathetic and guarded towards those closest to her, they can easily make her flustered. [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Ability:[/b] Can materialize light into either a shield/barrier or blades in a wide-range attack. [b]Enforcer, Virtue, Vice, Civilian, or Other:[/b] Enforcer [b]Partner:[/b] Ask if you want the role. [b]Other:[/b] She was recently told by someone who had the ability of foresight that she would come into contact with her real family and that they have become an enemy of the town. Although she doesn't believe it, she's becoming more motivated to find them. She doesn't know it but her mother and her half-brother, the only family she has left, is in the Order of Vices. Also, she carries a gun with her at all times.