Gray brought in the same case he usually carried and rested it at the foot of the bed he had been designated. It held his armor and rifle with parts included. The suite wasn't something he generally stayed in but it held a charm he wasn't entirely unused to. The Conover family had their own small fortune though it had waned as of late, a product of the trials made by the modern age. He hoped to bring that wealth back and secure their spot as respectable hunters. The seats were cozy and clean in the common area, a perk he took immediate advantage of. Gray wasn't much a drinker. Inhibited senses were never fun in a situation like this. You never could tell what could go wrong. Autumn took a seat. No, it wasn't Autumn, it was Arachne. That's right. He couldn't get over the name. Screw Arachne, I'm still going to think of her as Autumn. Autumn took her seat and opened up for questions. Except he didn't really have questions to ask. Not about her. "Autumn. What do we do next? I've got the tools, give me a target. One way or another we need to stop this magic. Whether we hit some minions or go for the head. I'm sick of waiting for more people to die."